Fence Company in Dallas
Sometimes it feels as if fences are not appreciated as much as they should be. A fence protects your home from outsiders, keeps your pets from running away, and adds a nice design element to your lot. Without a fence, you lose privacy and security. Thus, you need a well-built, sturdy perimeter that you hopefully won’t have to worry about for a long time to come. If that sentence doesn’t describe your fence, then you probably need to rely on a fence company in Dallas.
What are my options for a new fence from a Fence Company in Dallas?
We’ll dive into the design flexibility of fences here in a bit, but first let’s start with the basics. The fence materials you’ll have to choose from include:
The types of fences include:
- Post and rail
- Picket
- Stockade
Those are your general options; however, let’s detail the subcategories within each material and type.
Wood Fences
A fence can be compiled by really any type of wood. Common wood types are cedar, pine, spruce, and redwood. Each presents unique character that can only be selected on a homeowner-to-homeowner basis. You’ll have to rely on life-sized examples to truly determine which wood type would best suit your home.
Cedar fences contain a natural oil that prevents rotting and prevents insects from attraction. With those two risks out of the picture, you can expect a cedar fence to keep its solid form for many years, especially when installed by a fence company in Dallas. In addition, the fence type is known to be quite affordable. Thus, at a fair price, a homeowner will benefit from a durable fence and an appealing fence. Cedar is a lighter wood, so keep that in mind in regard to design.
Pine should be pressure-treated and chemically-treated. The wood type is vulnerable to warping, shrinking and cracking. To avoid these issues, pine needs to be routinely maintained. Adding a weatherproof seal is highly recommended. Other actions like staining and moistening are also recommended. As long as you protect your pine fence, it will treat you well for 10-15 years to come.
Spruce fences do not last as long as cedar or pine. It’s unlikely the life of a spruce fence will reach the 10-year mark due to proneness to warping. Damp climates can shorten its life and insects will not be deterred. In addition, the look of a spruce fence is inferior to its alternatives. So, why would you want a spruce fence? Because the fence type is inexpensive! If you are okay with sacrificing looks and durability in favor of a very affordable option, choose spruce.
Steel Fences
Steel is steel. You won’t have to weigh your options so much as compared to wood. With that said, there are some subsets to steel. Specifically, you can choose from hollow steel, solid steel, tubular aluminum or cast-iron.
Steel fences require very little maintenance and can last for a lifetime. Really, the only type that will not last for a lifetime is hollow steel, but even that material should be reliable for some 25 years. The only thing you’ll need to treat is rust. Simply repainting rusted areas will lessen the wear and tear impact; you can even purchase a rust-proof steel fence.
The knock on a steel fence is of course privacy. The spacing between each rod allows anyone to see into your backyard. There will still be ways to protect people from scaling the fence, but nothing can really be done to prevent people from looking through. This may not matter to you, but it’s certainly a factor to consider.
What steel fences lack in privacy, they make up for in design opportunity.
In the traditional steel picket fence style—what you see surrounding fancy front yards and overlooking golf courses—homeowners can get creative with design. The creative opportunity with steel fences is found at the peak of each individual post.
You’ll notice posts with crowns at the top or spears. These don’t exist only for functional purposes—keeping people from hopping your fence. They primarily exist to make your fence look very attractive. Some of the popular picket styles include pressed spear, quad spear and ball, and triad spear. Or, you can go the very fancy route and install a fleur-de-lis picket style. The price will add up depending on how daring you are willing to get with your design. A fence company in Dallas can enlighten you to general pricing.
Types of Fences
Post and rail, or split rail fences, are very basic. These are the ones you see surrounding large-acre lots. They cover a ton of ground and therefore don’t require any special widgets. The composition of a post and rail fence consists of posts spaced some 5-7 feet apart, connected with two or three rows of wood planks or poles.
This type of fence construction is purposed to prevent trespassers; however, not in a way to make trespassing impossible.
Ultimately, a post and rail fence stands as a basic barrier between one side and the other.
We already touched on picket fences. You can build a picket fence with wood or steel. They provide a comforting design element to your home thanks to customization. Of course, the classic “American” house example always includes a cleanly painted white picket fence.
They are not overly common in suburban Dallas, TX; though, you will find them somewhat prevalent in non-uniform neighborhoods. Moreover, neighborhoods guided by Home Owners Associations may not allow homeowners to install picket fences in their front yards.
Stockade fences are what you see all throughout the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex. You may otherwise know of this fence type as a privacy fence. These are the wooden fences that are solidly built, in strength and height, to keep all outsiders out and to give you and your family complete privacy.
You may have to pay a decent dime for a truly sturdy stockade fence, some $2,000-$3,000, but the purchase will be well worth the privacy, durability and beauty provided. Essentially, the wider the wooden planks, the stronger the fence will be. It’s important to note that wood fences contrived from the center of a tree are going to be the strongest and healthiest. Such wood is known as heartwood.
What about fence installation?
Fence installation can be a do-it-yourself project; however, it is not recommended. Like most home remodeling projects, fence installation is very particular. Homeowners have to abide by property lines, local codes, and they have to have a fence that will not fall apart any time in the foreseeable future. That’s why it’s best to trust a fence company in Dallas.
The professionals know how to secure a fence to where it lasts as long as the wood type or steel type allows. You certainly wouldn’t want poor installation to be the reason your fence doesn’t live up to its potential.
A fence needs to meet specific measurements and specific installation techniques need to be carried out in order to secure it. Generally speaking, fence posts need to be dug 2-3 feet into the ground. The right concrete mix needs to be poured around the posts, whether wood or metal, to keep them firmly in place. Just like the ground beneath your house shifts overtime, so does the ground beneath your fence.
In addition, it’s quite tricky to install a fence on an uphill/downhill lot. It may not seem like much of an inconvenience, but it requires precision in order to meet a homeowner’s perfect expectations and to fulfill the perfect expectations of the fence company in Dallas.
Especially with those customized fences that we spoke of earlier, you need expert installation. Craftsmanship is what gives fences their unique attributes. Steel or wooden…fences are finite, and every little detail counts towards a beloved design.
The answers to the questions everyone always asks
Should I stain my fence?
Yes. Staining protects against threats, such as insects rot, and wear/tear. While paint does provide protection, it will not have as much of an influence as a stain. Plus, a fence stain plays perfectly into the rustic authenticity of a wooden fence. It will fade over time, but you always have the option to re-stain later on.
When should I stain my fence?
Don’t get too overanxious once your brand-new fence is installed. You’ll need to wait a few weeks to enable key chemicals to settle before staining. Three weeks should be a safe amount of time to wait. If you want to both stain and paint, you can. Just be sure to do it in the order of staining first, then painting. You CANNOT do it in reverse.
Spring Creek Fence & Gate
If you are looking for a fence company in Dallas, give Spring Creek Fence & Gate a call! We’ve been in the fence installation game for a long time. There is not a fence request we are unfamiliar with and there is not a fence type that we cannot install. You can trust us to give your home the perimeter that you desire!
Please visit our website—www.springcreekfenceandgate.com—to learn more about our operations. You can submit an estimate request through our site as well. Take advantage of our 10-year warranty offer on our installation services.
To have your dream fence built to perfection, call (972) 530-0151!
Looking for a Custom Fence? Call us Today!